EBT/SNAP Application

Capitol Bankcard 1 877 291 3788

•Farmer's Market
•General Merchandise
•Auto Repair Shops
•Check Cashing
•Hardware Stores
•Food Trucks
•Clothing Stores
•Nail & Hair Salons
•Street Vendors
•Residential Landlords
•99 Cent Stores
•Legal Services
•Gas Stations
•Dental Offices
•Medical Offices​

About Us
Capitol Bankcard Services is a leader in bankcard merchant service since 2004. We are equip with skilled professional staff, experienced and knowledgeable in all merchant services.
We are partnered with leading financial institutions and processors so our merchants can benefit with efficiency and fast processing transactions, low rates, cash advances, latest technology in POS systems and credit card terminal, to maximize your business and give more opportunities, to advance and generate more revenue.
Capitol Bankcard enable its merchants with many services, that we can be sure, and be certain that we are unmatched by any other merchant service providers in the industry.
Capitol Bankcard Corp. appreciates and thank its merchants for the opportunity to service you and also give you the best of both worlds as a corporation and an individual small business approach. Our management and staff of Capitol Bankcard again appreciates and thank you for your business.​